Regional Scenario Planning

The City of Salem, the City of Keizer and Marion County are working together to explore how to create more sustainable transportation options for you to get around the region safely and quickly. We know that how you travel (whether you are walking, biking, rolling, taking the bus, or driving) has a big impact on you, your budget, and the way our communities look and feel. We want to make sure that in the future everyone has a choice on how they get around.  

Why is this project important?

Over the last 10+ years, we’ve heard from all sorts of people who live and work in Salem, Keizer and Marion County about how they want to see the region grow and change in the future.

Now we want to hear from you and others about how we can meet our local climate goals, while also planning the future of our region. 


Salem, Keizer and Marion County are working together to create a Regional Scenario Plan that will answer questions about how our transportation system and land use plans will serve our entire community. 

We’ll be thinking about these questions (and more):


What could our community look like if everyone had choices for getting around safely, regardless of their age, income, or where they lived? 


How does the way we build our cities change the way we get around?  


Can we increase our community’s prosperity and well-being while helping the environment?  

So, what does that really mean?

This process is part of a larger effort to implement the State’s new Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities program. We are responding to these new requirements by updating our transportation and land use plans and regulations.  

This means that:

The State will also be making changes at a higher level to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

We are working together to meet the region’s greenhouse gas reduction target, but this may look different in each of our communities.

*Photos courtesy of the cities of Salem, Keizer, and Marion County.

The Regional Scenario Plan must be approved by the State.  

Once we have an approved Regional Scenario Plan, we’ll update projects and policies in our Transportation System Plans – the next step to get things built.