Document Library

Spring Factsheet


Learn about the project and outreach activities planned this summer.

Summer Public Outreach Summary



We heard from hundreds of community members and representatives of organizations around the region about what is most important for the technical team to consider. Click or tap the summary link below to learn more.

Reference Scenario Documentation

The reference scenario accounts for the currently adopted plans that have been put into place at the local, regional and state level. The scenario describes what changes would be anticipated if the region and state remain on the current trajectory as set out in these adopted plans. The reference scenario serves as a comparison point for testing policy choices to help the region achieve the greenhouse gas emissions reduction target. Click or tap the summary link below to learn more.

Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee represents local jurisdictions and transit agencies. They will meet at key decision points and provide input on the Oregon Statewide Transportation Strategy (STS) testing to let the team know if the Preferred Scenario is acceptable or if additional testing is needed. Their purpose is to confirm direction and provide guidance on choosing a preferred scenario​. Public input will also be reviewed and considered throughout the process. 


March 18, 2024

Next meeting: TBD